Dahh lama nehh nGGak Update CF sekarang saatnya....
[-]No Fall Damage
[-] No Nade Damage
[-]No Recoil
[-]No Delay
[-]Jump Hack
[-]Shot Gun Spread
[-]Full Bright
[-]Reload Time >> nkg jalan gan
[-] Master Ghost
[-]Walk Through Walls
[-]Fly Hack
[-]One Hit Kill
[-]mass attack ( zombie mode )
[-]super zombie
[-]super long-attack ( kill enemies from distance )
*Open your's Crossfire Launcher
*Open The Injector(CHEATnya)
*Copy and paste the code to activate hacks(You must visit www.keycf.net)
*Next Start your's Crossfire Launcher....
*HaPPy CheaTing
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